Friday, July 6, 2012


Man makes final house payment in pennies

Apparently all that loose change collecting in the couch cushions pays off: A Massachusetts man who vowed to pay his last mortgage payment in pennies made good on the pledge.
Thirty-five years after purchasing the house, one Thomas Daigle and his wife, Sandra, walked into Milford Federal Savings and Loan Association--after alerting the bank to their plan--with 62,000 pennies in two steel crates weighing approximately 400 pounds apiece.
The twosome had moved into the Milford home, where they still live, in 1977. The last payment was delivered on April 24, the couple's anniversary, which Daigle said was a coincidence.
The penny pincher, who still picks up the coppers on the street, saved 2.5 pennies a day, which he put toward the house payment. The saver raised two daughters and now enjoys four grandchildren, who, he tells, "Pennies add up."